April 13, 2024
Become attuned to your surroundings and understand more deeply the interactions and patterns of the natural world through the ancient art of tracking.
Core classes open to all ages and skill abilities. The class content is designed for adults however kids are welcome with a registered parent or guardian. Youth ages 12-15 are 50% off, and under 12 are free.
WHEN: SATURDAY 9:00-10:00
Core Classes run from 9:00-5:00 on the Saturday before our Monthly Gathering. Check our schedule for exact dates. (This is often the first Saturday of every month- but not always so please check the schedule.)
WHERE: TRIBAL EDGE Primal Arts Training Center “the Land”.
Classes are held at the Tribal Edge Land in Blyn Wa. Get directions here.)
COST: $25-$100
Our Physical Core Classes are valued at $100, however no one is turned away for lack of funds. A deposit of $25 is required to hold your spot.
Sliding Scale: Supported $25-50; Supporter $50-100
We are committed to providing you with quality training and appreciate your support through this challenging time.
(You can also go to our “Donate” button below to pay any amount that works best for you.)
You may retake any core class for $25 and retake again as often as you want for free!
You will receive a confirmation email with a private link to the online class upon registration.
INSTRUCTOR: Ben Sanford & Staff
Terms of Service

Part of our Core Curriculum, this class will explore the internal and external universe through tracking, nature observation, and self awareness. You will learn how to increase your powers of observation more deeply, and how to blend and move silently and invisibly with nature while immersing yourself in the natural world. You will also learn the basics of tracking, including track identification and analysis, sign tracking, how to follow a trail and begin to reveal the mysteries of nature.