June 29, 2024 from 9-5
Become more resilient and self reliant by learning basic survival. Find greater peace of mind, connection to nature, and self-confidence as you slow down and experience the simplicity of survival and living with the earth.
“Its like going home.”
Learn basic survival skills
Discover the “Laws of the Jungle”
Become a caretaker & protector of the earth
Cost: Sliding scale
$25 Deposit required to hold your place.
Be Supported: $25-$50
Be a Supporter: $50-$100
To pay a different amount, use the donation button at the bottom of any page.

Part of our Core Curriculum, this is the basic everything class- from emergency survival, to long term earth living, you will learn the essential principles of being at home anywhere on the planet. This class focuses on awareness, safety, emergency shelters, locating and purifying water, building fire without matches, and food sources.