Here is the recording of our introduction to the Sacred Series.


A Deep Dive

These new courses are designed to be a deep dive and deliberately take a step back from the accelerated pace of our modern society in order to deepen and expand your relationship to the primal tools, skills and practices of human-nature connection.

This series is beginning with two new courses that are exploring some of the primal tools that have been at the core of the teachings and experiences offered at Tribal Edge:

Hybrid & Modular Training

These unique yet complementary hybrid (physical & online) courses are run parallel with each other, and are offered in several ways throughout the year to give you more options. If you want to deepen your relationship to the earth, expand your capacity as a leader, or simply enhance your quality of life, check out these classes.

The online series includes a session with my friend and guest instructor Nate Summers, author of Primal and Awakening Fire!