What I do.
I have dedicated my life to an evolving collection of projects that started as simple visions that gradually became holistic practices and organizations in service of my tribe and the world. I have dedicated the rest of my life to practice and mastery while mentoring and collaborating with others.
Want to work with me?
I'm glad our paths have crossed and I would love to support you and your community in any capacity. Please explore my projects to see if there is a fit for youyou or you or you can contact me if you want to create something together.
Benjamin J. Sanford
Primal Education Consulting
I offer professional consulting and freelance contracting in Learning Experience Design (LxD), Program Design, Curriculum Design, Complex Facilitation Training, and Educational Technology.
I also offer in-person instruction and create online and hybrid courses in nature connection, primal skills, rewilding practices, natural history, natural science, and natural philosophy.
Tribal Edge
Primal Wisdom Center
Primal Wisdom Collective
Seeking a wiser and wilder way of life.
Primal Solutions Coaching
Discover your primal nature
Training for ordinary heroes.
Give your tribe an edge with the primal practice of trapping.
Spiderlab is the home of spydercraft and the dojo, or “place of the way”, of the trap-keeper. Traps have provided for and protected humanity since the dawn of time. Spydercraft is an ecological practice that explores the primal science, art, and philosophy of traps and trapping using primal technologies within an ethical framework for the modern world.