Welcome to your personal Tribal Edge experience- online!
A sneak peak at one of our latest online courses- Primal Lab.
Thank you for joining us online!
Our message and training have become even more relevant in these challenging times and so we are adapting to make sure it is available. The Primal Arts have always been there to support life and I hope you find our offerings even more valuable in this changing world.
Please check out all of our new developments online including our Core Curriculum, Journey Program, Hero Lab, Coaching and other special events.
Remember, you matter so keep going!
Join today
Discover how you can make your training a way of life, and your life a work of art by learning the holistic life skills and practices that help you and your tribe experience your greatest potential and thrive. Training in these "primal arts" leads to an epic Journey into the science, art and philosophy of the everyday Hero.
Embrace the unknown
In uncertain times, training in the Primal Arts helps to provide the awareness, connection and security that we are seeking by developing the skills and confidence we need to take effective action in challenging situations. There are many ways we offer to dive into your personal training path. Check out our Schedule to see what is coming up live or watch recorded classes and live streamed videos any time. Contact us for a FREE consultation to find out more about our Online training and what we offer. I look forward to training with you!
Live-Stream training
Check out our live stream classes or watch the recorded version later.
Recorded classes
Our Lab classes offer quality live experiential training in the skills humans have always relied upon for a healthy and happy life including movement, martial arts, health, wellness, survival, tracking, nature connection, self discovery, community, leadership and more.
Special Events
Coming Soon
Hero Pass & Primal Pass All-access memberships
With a Hero Pass Membership you will get access to all of our current and future Hero Lab courses, as well as access to monthly live training with Guru Ben Sanford. As a member you will get early access to new courses pre-launches, so you can start training before anyone else. You also get access to extra training resource library with replays of all past Live Stream Training, monthly advice videos and more.
Make it personal
Get unique private sessions which address your personal needs and goals. Check out the latest offers in personal coaching and training.
Stay connected
It is an important time to stay connected and support each other with our online chat groups, group streaming videos, and check-ins.
Live Events
We’re back in action
Are live events are still on the schedule and we are meeting with care. Please remember to check out our physical courses.
Online Training Options
The Core Curriculum
Our next core class
“Healing” - Live on October 3, 2021.
Recorded version coming soon.
Primal Lab
Bringing your practice to life
Primal Academy- (under construction)
Body Lab- coming soon
Earth Lab- now available
Soul Lab- coming soon
Beginning April 4th.
hero lab
Training for the everyday hero
Hero Lab Basic Training- Coming soon
Hero Academy- (under construction)
Hero Lab Live Stream
Hero Training- coming soon
Martial Arts- now available
Primal Fitness- under construction
The Journey Program
Check out the Journey Prime
Starting April 5, 2021