Did you know?
What you may not know about The Core Curriculum…
The core classes take you on a journey
The Tribal Edge Core Curriculum is a collection of day long classes that lead you on a primal journey through the seasons over the course of a year.
There are different versions
Each core class has a short 1 hour, 4 hour, 1 day, weekend, and week long version.
The core classes are just the beginning
Each core class is an introduction to a pathway which one could spend many lifetimes to master. In our Journey program, the core classes are unpacked and expanded upon for a month, and we just scratch the surface!
Each core class is the same but different
For example, if you take a tracking class one year, you could take it again and have a totally different experience. This is partly due to the material, the way it is taught, and your relationship to it as you grow.
The core classes are “living” classes.
Essentially, the core of the material is the same but the experience and exercises vary with what is presented in the moment and who is there.
In these classes you matter
Unlike mainstream education where the class basicaly happens if you are there are not, in these classes, each participant matters and are a big part of the story. We all learn from each-other’s experiences and participation.
The core classes are offered anytime-anywhere
They are only on our schedule once per year to make sure they happen, but they are always available by request.
The core classes are designed to be retaken… a lot!
Some people have taken some of them 10 times! It is not because they don’t work or the students don’t learn, it is because they are taught in layers with more to learn each time.
The core classes are holistic
The core classes are each individual, stand alone classes complete in themselves but part of a greater whole. This is a synergistic effect of each class working together as “chapters” in a greater story.
The core classes have 4 directions of focus
Each direction or season holds a deeper experience of a theme, from the science, to the art and the philosophy.
The core classes have 3 layers of depth
Each layer has a progressive series through the seasons: the Skills series- the science, the Training series- the Art, and the Tribe series- the philosphy.
Each core class has a Facebook group
This is a way to keep the conversation going and keep learning and growing together.
Core classes are for adults but kids can come
The class material is oriented to adults and mature youth, however kids are welcome to come with a registered parent. Child care is not provided and parents are responsible for their kids needs and behavior.
Core classes require a minimum of 4 people
These classes are interactive and many depends upon a group dynamic for the lessons to exist. Remember to invite a friend and share your experiences or the classes may not run.
Registration closes 2 days before the class
This allows us to get a headcount, send you a confirmation, or give 24 notice for a canceled class.
Core classes require a $25 deposit
In order to get a committed headcount, a nonrefundable $25 deposit is required at least 2 days before the class starts. You are refunded if the class is canceled.
Core classes are on a sliding scale!
Core classes are valued at $100. An introductory rate of $25 (your deposit) is all your first core class costs to get a sense of what we offer. From there you may drop in, or do a more committed package for a discount. You may also attend as a supporter for $50-100 or supported for $25-50. No one is turned away for lack of funds.
You can retake a core class for $25
The classes are best absorbed with several repetitions. They are designed to be taken again with another layer of teaching available with each attendance.
After your first retake, core classes are FREE!
Since you may want to take them again, after your second time, you can take them as much as you want for free!
Other discounts are available
There are discounts for family, registering a friend, and hosting a class. There are several discount options- monthly automatic payments, package discounts and the core class challenge.
There is a volunteer role at core classes
After your second retake, you may be asked if you want to volunteer. Volunteering is a whole new level of learning as you assist the class and become part of the container.
You can host a Core Class at your home, school, or private location.
Host a custom made core class for your own group at your location any time.
““A wise person has a pattern or design in their mind into which everything they know fits, and into which everything they don’t know could fit.””
Why the Core Curriculum?
Origin and influences
The Tribal Edge Core Curriculum, a model of what I refer to as “the primal journey” had many influences and has drawn from many sources in its development over the years. From the content of what is taught, to the teaching and training methodology, to the integrative and holistic system it has become. When I started Tribal Edge I had a vision of a balanced multidimensional curriculum which would be useful and valuable to everyone. I was also overwhelmed and had no idea how to start.
Much of the content and philosophy of the core curriculum comes from a tree of knowledge whose seeds were planted by Tom Brown Jr. and his instructors at the Tracker School. Since reading the Tracker at the age of 14, the last three decades of my life has been impacted by the message, methods and mythology of Tom and Stalking Wolf’s lineage. The scope of my mission, to integrate these and other teachings into a simple model and organize them a balanced way that was accessible to anyone was a challenge. The container, or system of teaching and preserving the knowledge, was inspired by Jon Young, protege of Tom Brown, who is a leader in the nature connection movement, and the preservation of indigenous teachings and mentoring. It was my experiences at Wilderness Awareness School and the Art of Mentoring programs that led to the complex structure of our core curriculum.
The original content template of our curriculum including Tracking, Survival, Healing, and Combat was inspired by Joe Lau’s concept of Natural Duties. In 2003, Joe taught a course called Warrior-ship Workshop which I attended a couple of times significantly impacted my understanding of the archetypal roles and duties of the primal human. At the time, Joe was was a head instructor at Tom Brown Jr’s. Tracker School as well as an instructor in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (Ninjutsu) and his emphasis on the Perceiver, Provider, Preserver and Protector roles helped provide the matrix for organizing the practice and preservation of life supporting skills into a curriculum in a holistic way. I was also introduced Dr. Robert Humphrey’s natural law theory and dual-life value theory which greatly influenced my approach to life and the primal journey.
Another contributor is Ken Wilber and his integral theory which is the most holistic and integrative, interdisciplinary approach to perceiving reality I have encountered. His four quadrant model with its lines and levels squared nicely with the Natural Duties model of Joe Lau, and the medicine wheel model taught by Jon Young. Finally, the contemporary science of systems thinking and complexity theory have added a useful language and scientific paradigm to support the primal principles, processes and practices which compose the core curriculum’s teachings, methodology and philosophy.
I have also been deeply influenced by Dr. John Vervaeke, a professor of cognitive science, a cognitive psychologist, and philosopher. John provides a conceptual language and theoretical grammar that affords a meaningful understanding the transformational journey one encounters in the pursuit of wisdom.
There have been many other influences from teachings both east and west to teachers, apprentices and students that have contributed to the story.
The emerging result of these influences was a primal approach to the principles, processes and practices of being human with others and living with the earth in a meaningful way while including a number of perspectives and layers simultaneously. Beginning in 2005 with what I called the “skills series” focusing on the science or mechanics of the hard skills, the core curriculum came into being. Over the next couple years after the classes began to catch on, I introduced the next layer called the “training series” which addresses the art of learning and mastery on any journey. Finally after a few more years the last layer called the “tribe series” was added which includes the philosophy and ethical layer of the training. As simple as they are, these introductory classes change every time I run them. Because of their complexity, they are living experiences which are the same but different and evolve over time. I learn more and more every time on this incredible journey and I hope you can join me.