The Vision Quest

The vision quest experience takes place at the Tribal Edge wilderness training center and surrounding area over eight days in the late spring and early fall. This is a protected quest. There is a limit of 8 participants per quest so please register early and save your spot.

 The quest is for everyone regardless of previous experience, background or belief system. You will be given all of the information, preparation and guidance needed to get the most out of this powerful four day journey. To begin preparing for your quest, please apply at least one month prior to the quest date.



  • When: June 15-22, 2023.

  • Location: Tribal Edge Primal Arts Training Center in Blyn Washington

  • Facilitators:  Ben Sanford and Tribal Edge staff

  • Cost: Donation (suggested value $750)

Please schedule a free consultation with Ben and send your $250 deposit to hold your space and begin the application process.



The vision quest experience is an ancient rite of passage used by indigenous cultures around the world for thousands of years. It is still used today simply because it works.                     

The quest itself consists of a 4 day and 4 night solo experience in the purity of nature with no distractions as you fast from all things familiar. Within your quest circle, you come face to face with yourself and get to know more deeply your true inner nature and see more clearly your unique purpose in life. 

The vision quest we use was passed to us from Stalking Wolf a Lipan Apache elder through Tom Brown Jr. and Malcolm Ringwalt of Earth-heart. This simple format was reduced to its purity by removing cultural differences and works for everyone.

Some preparation time is needed prior to your quest, and space is very limited. For further information and to begin the application process, please schedule a free consultation.