Tribal Edge T-Shirts are here!

I am designing a bunch of new shirts for you to buy online with no markup price! Yep, cutting out the middle man- me! Why? Well, I want to save on cost too and not end up with a bunch of shirts that people may not really like, and I get to create some cool designs and have people wear them around and maybe share a story about Tribal Edge. That's the best advertising!

So I thought I would offer different designs to you straight from the seller (RushorderTees) and let you pick. I will try to make few designs before Christmas and get the links like this out there for you. FYI, the more you buy, the cheaper they are if you want to get a few friends together. If you cant get the size, style, or color you want from this link, just let me know and I will try to help you. If you get a shirt, please let us know by posting a picture! It would be fun to see what gets out there.

Ben Sanford